The wind yesterday produced gusts up to 50mph. It wreaked some havoc on the display but nothing catastrophic as of yet. (knock on wood)
It is supposed to continue today and then die off for tomorrow. There isn't much point to starting any repairs just yet. So if you are someone who plans to drive by the yard later - you may want to wait until tomorrow night. :)
We were joking last night that the effect the wind created in the windows and the banging shell chimes were sounds that we would usually download and use as atmospheric effects in the haunt. And yet, here it was in real life! It's too bad we didn't have any great recording equipment or we might have tried it.
Truthfully, we'll take wind over masses of Halloween snow or rain any day!
The countdown has begun!
Our wonderful neighbors Lynn and her son Tracy stopped by yesterday to see the haunt. They were so kind and and complimentary of the haunt. It was truly amazing to get to know them a bit.
We had been a bit nervous about our candy stock for the big night, as the traffic and interest has been much higher this year than the last.
Lo & Behold...
These two wonderful people were kind enough to come back by a bit later with an INCREDIBLY GENEROUS contribution of 32 BAGS OF HALLOWEEN CANDY!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU LYNN & TRACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have set our minds at ease and sincerely warmed our hearts! Thank you!!!!!
(Flickr Image Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/evpeters/ )
We've had a beautiful Goldenrod Crab Spider like this one take up residence under our coach light by the front door.
She's quite large and very agile. She's been with us nearly 3 weeks now, though lately she's been hiding under a leaf in a fake plant that hangs there due to all the rucus with haunt setup. Or maybe she's incubating babies.... hard to say what the true reason is.
I keep going out later at night to see if she is spinning a new web again, so that she might let me photograph her. Though, she's been playing camera shy.
It's truly an amazing and beautiful thing when she lets us watch her and we check every day to see that she is still there. We hope she sticks around for the haunt - there's nothing quite like a real spider and web for authenticity. :)
Love the work of Laurie Hardin - Monkey-Cats Studio!!!!!
Fun, creepy and whimsical...
Her blog: http://lauriehardinsaccents.blogspot.com/