Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Aurora Sentinel

We were paid a visit by the wonderful Adam Goldstein and Gabriel Christus from The Aurora Sentinel this week. Thank you gentlemen! We just might make our Trick-R-Treater goal after all! :)

You can read the full story here:
Aurora couple’s dedication to Halloween decoration continues


  1. Awesome article! This is the 4th one I've seen in blogland--it's nice to see yard haunters getting some local recognition!

  2. Hey guys -- The Associated Press picked up my story and Gabe's photos. It showed up in the Denver Post:

  3. Hey Adam!! This is SOOOO great! Thanks so much for the time you both spent with us and the wonderful story! And CONGRATULATIONS on the AP picking up your story!! It was very cool to meet your Dad last night - hope to see you this weekend!!!
